

I  just finished the book Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons by Lorna Landvik.    Hesitant of the title at first, I picked up this book based on a facebook recommendation.   Five women start a book club that meets once a week in order to get away from the day to day grind of being a housewife during the 1960's.  As the women get to know each other better, the book club becomes a very important part of their lives, and so much more than just a book club.  Through thirty years, these women grow together, help each other, laugh together, and cry together.   When I finished reading the book, I found myself missing the characters.

As I read this book, I thought about the group of women that I have the privilege to meet with every other week.   These women have become very special to me as we have walked together though this journey called life.   There have been times of celebration, times to grieve, and times of encouragement and support.  These ladies have shown me the power of prayer and the power of a good laugh.  I look forward to what the years ahead will look like as we continue down this path together.

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